Monday, March 14, 2011

25 Random, Crazy, Perplexing Things About Me

Hey-oh. Comrade Doom here, deciding I should get to this sooner rather than later. Perish forbid I deprive my readers of such interesting insights into my person. Here we gooooo!
Here's one for free: I'm rather wordy. I read ALOT.

1) I have one of the strangest tastes in music. Though I was raised on Classic Rock like Pink Floyd, Queen, AC/DC, and Styx, I have had swings to tunes from"Amazing Grace" on the bagpipes to Disney Classics like "Circle of Life" and "Strangers like Me." But come on, who doesn't love The Lion King?! There's a smattering of Classical, Techno and Rap have their respective sections, but I listen to the sound of a song, not necessarily the words. Ever felt that? Where you want a song just 'cause it sounds good?

stock photo : The King of africastock photo : Bagpipe Band
                                          Cool huh? 

2) I'm in constant opposition to my confounded brother. This boy just reeks of evil. Though I suppose that could just cause he doesn't clean his room. Gimme a "Hallelujah!" if you got a demonic sibling!

stock photo : 3D rendered portrait of a devil with a devious grin.
Help me....

3) I believe it to be impossible to have a favorite movie. Though if it were possible, it would have to be either "Small Soldiers" or "Boondock Saints." Beautiful movies, though they are not for the faint of heart or manner.

stock vector : Vector illustration of a modern cupid with a machine gun. Symbol of St. Valentine's Day.
This one is for "Boondock Saints"

stock photo : Close-up of action toy soldier figures.
And this one is for... c'mon, ain't it obvious?

4) My entire family lives in Illinois, the majority of them living in Chicago.

5) I enjoy Classic Literature (and by that I mean from the Classical Period of History). Iliad, The Odyssey, Vergil's Aeneid, Plutarch's Lives: all resonate within me of an age where things were much simpler and the world was much smaller.

6) Going along with numba 5, I love me my History! Wars, economy, who's assassinating who, crops the darn weather even! Anything that was anything before stuff got weird around Vietnam-Era.

stock photo : 1st century Roman soldier in armour, rank of Optio shot against a blue sky

7) I am susceptible to severe cases of "post-production blues" which is the empty feeling you get when a production is over.  Case in point: A Harlequins production. You spend all that time after school, chilling with comrades, rehearsing lines, stressing about showtime and then WHABAM! Its over. Kaput. Gone. The production will never be done that way again. (Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh)

8) I fell out of a tree when I was in 6th grade and have a (fading) scar from the experience. My friends (who shall remain nameless) convinced me that the pine tree could hold my weight and we could slide down the branches (YEAAA). Needless to say, that did not happen according to plan.

9) I enjoy walks in the woods. Reminds me that whenever Mother Nature isn't on her period (Earthquake in Japan), she's a helluva lot more sane than the real world.
10) I'm not a Sox fan. I just derive enjoyment from the train wreck that is the Chicago Cubs Baseball team.

11) As mentioned at the beginning of this rambling diatribe about myself, I love to read. And thus, by the transitive propertay, books have had a profound affect on my personality. Such works include Watership Down (a tale of bunny rabbits in England), The Hobbit (a fantasy involving midgets, a Wizard, and a big-honking dragon), The Bible (a book about how humans don't do as they are told, REPEATEDLY) and Rumo and His Miraculous Adventures (a book about a deer/dog combo with a talking "cheese knife")

stock photo : 10-11 years boy reading the holy bible

12) Aside from reading stories, I enjoy telling them as well. Some of my fondest memories are of times when I'm busting a gut laughing or shivering with fear. Or doling out some of the same to my friends.

13) Just finished watching the movie "Lawrence of Arabia." THAT was an ordeal! 3 hours and 49 minutes with an orchestral introduction and AN INTERMISSION! I give props to the cast and crew: as the movie was filmed without the aid of CGI, the armies of the Turks and "Awrence's" Northern Arabian Army were all real, screaming people intent on ripping each other apart. If ever I wanted to visit the Arabian Peninsula, that want is gone.

stock photo : aruban algerian man with sword on black background

14) Jestem więcej niż siedemdziesiąt pięć procent polskiego.
Tá an chuid is dócha na hÉireann.
(Good luck translating that. Hint: It's in two different languages.)

15) Before beginning a major test/exam, I enjoy muttering "We are Men of Gondor," just to see the reaction on the faces of the people near me.

stock photo : Roman soldier
This is not a Man of Gondor. I have limited resources. Deal with it.
16) I wake up more refreshed at 4:15 in the morning than I do when I sleep in. My pineal gland is ridiculous, or whenever I beat the sun to the world I get a shot of adrenaline as a prize.

17) I enjoy Mythology. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, it is the term that encompasses all cultures' "myths" regarding their history.The Greeks had Heracles, Jason, and Troy. We have Pecos Bill, Paul Bunyan, and Joe Magarac. Learning about the legends we look up to and read about in modern day culture gives me a chill and makes me wonder how the world would be if such beings were real.

stock vector : Poseidon

18) I love me my English literature, but I love da slang of my comrades even more. In some instances, its more understandable <cough> <cough> Kafka's Metamorphosis <cough>

19) My favorite subject in school has got to be my Fine Art. (Sorry, Mr. Claudon!)

20) I find I have a distaste for public domain images. They are never the ones I'm looking for, and have very limiting search parameters. ARGH! Forgive my outburst. Only four more to go!

21) I have thought of writing a book.

22) I will be spending my spring break in a town that was founded for the sole purpose of creating a nuclear weapon.

stock photo : A modern nuclear bomb explosion in the desert.

23) I played football when I was in grade school and yearn fondly for the brain cells I lost during that time. (No offense to those who enjoy football and/or play)

24) I can drive. Legally.

25) I am quite relieved that this post is done! Fin!
Anyone wondering whether I'm crazy or not?


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